The Regional ESD partners for Accountability & Collections and Assessment are a resource to all staff in school districts, schools, education programs, and Education Service Districts across Oregon. The InterMountain ESD is the lead contractor with the Oregon Department of Education and our exceptional staff provides support in the following areas:

Accountability & Collections
Provide regular communications and answer questions related to the business rules and reporting of collection data to ODE: Cumulative Average Daily Membership (ADM), Staff Position, 9th Grade on-Track, Class Roster, Kindergarten Assessment, Report Card Narrative, Secure Student Identifier (SSID) system, Unique Staff Identifier (USID) system and Instructional Unit Identifier (IUID) system
Provide step-by-step ongoing support and communications related to the validation business rules and correcting collection data on the ODE website: 4 and 5 Year Cohort Graduation Rates, Class Size, English Language Arts Student Performance, Fall Membership, 9th Grade on-Track, Institutions for Accountability Reporting, Kindergarten Assessment, Mathematics Student Performance, NCES Dropout and Graduation Rates, Not Chronically Absent, Report card, Science Student Performance, Staff Ethnicity, Staff FTE, and Student Enrollment validations in the Achievement Data Insight (ADI) application
Answer day to day assessment training, administration, record management, and Oregon Statewide Assessment System portal questions
Answer questions regarding the ODE Accountability Warehouse Extract, Secure Assessment Reports 2.0, and Student Centered Staging applications
Accountability Links (Some of these links are to external sites)
Assessment and Accountability Checklist
Institution ID Search
ODE District Website
ODE Video Training – includes yearly video training schedule and links to watch video trainings
Assessment and Accountability Numbered Memos (older memos)
Assessment and Accountability Update
Assessment and Accountability Updates Archive
Subscribe to ODE Assessment and Accountability Update & Newsletter
Important Dates
Key Dates for Accountability and Reporting
Schedule of Due Dates
Current Testing Schedule
All Regions:
Karen Brown Smith
1-800-706-4447 ext. 3124 or 541-966-3124
Karen.Brown@imesd.k12.or.usPeter Campbell
1-800-706-4447 ext. 3203 or 541-966-3203
Regions 1 and 2:
Amy Rockwell
1-800-970-8372 ext. 1 or 503-540-4470
Region 3:
Shannon Lyon
1-800-706-4447 ext. 3220 or 541-966-3220
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