English Learner Services, ELL Professional Development & Title III IMESD Consortium
English Learner Services, Professional Development and Resources for Teachers and District

The EL Specialist supports districts with, but not limited to, professional development, instructional strategies and consultation, lessons planning, parent involvement/activities, data management, and administration consultation.
Below are PD opportunities and Resources for teachers and districts in our InterMountain ESD region working with diverse populations.
-Translation/Interpretations services available for IMESD component districts.
Ashley Harsin
English Learner Specialist &
Title III Consortium Lead
Community of Practice for English Language Development (ELD) teachers
Learning Walks: To allow teachers to visit and watch numerous classrooms from around the region, outside their own school or district, while having a dialogue with an instructional coach and other teachers around strategies, culture, and other takeaways.
School Wide English Learning (SWEL): Supporting Emergent Bilinguals is EVERYONE’S Responsibility.
All too often the responsibility of serving our Emergent Bilinguals falls to one person in a building or district. The SWEL Model works to leverage the knowledge and experience of an ESOL endorsed teacher to be a resource to their colleagues for the advancement of EB students.
GLAD (Guided Language Acquisition Design)Training
Literacy Trainings with Yolanda Westerberg
Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Overview PD
Description: SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) Overview will guide participants through the 8 components of the SIOP model and most of the 30 features. The training will support content teachers for sheltering instruction for English Learners and engaging ALL learners.
School Wide Literacy Reform Workshops with Yolanda Westerberg (K-2, 3-5 and Secondary Workshops)
Session topics will include:
Yearlong Planning-Start with the Calendar
Scope and Sequence and Vertical Alignment
Common Terminology across grade levels
Different Products, Different Structures
What is a Mini-Lesson and how do I teach one?
Making a Roadmap for Instruction
Creating a Community of writers
Getting started-the first ten days of school
Writing is a skill-teaching stamina, originality and enthusiasm
Writing Process made easier
Writing about Reading and Taking Neat Notes
ELA Curriculum Alignment
OCDE Project GLAD (Guided Language Acquisition Design) Foundations Trainings! PART ONE: 2-DAY RESEARCH AND THEORY TRAINING-
In the 2-Day Research and Theory Training, participants dialogue and learn with other professionals in the field about the research that supports the model and its development, planning support, an introduction to OCDE Project GLAD® units, and exposure to approximately thirty effective teaching strategies.
In the Four or Five Day Demonstration Lesson, teachers observe students utilizing the strategies with a Project GLAD® trainer. The participants are supported by an OCDE Project GLAD® coach who will facilitate a deeper understanding of the strategies, their variations, and engage participants in meaningful conversations around the model. During the afternoons of the demonstration, participants will begin planning and preparing materials to use in their classroom right away to effectively support application and implementation. Follow-up support is also an integral part of this process. Seeing successful strategies with the students is the most effective method of promoting change.
School-Wide English Learning (SWEL): School-Wide English Learning (SWEL) is premised on the belief that all teachers need to take part in language instruction in order for English learners to reach their academic potential. SWEL is a direct/indirect service model meaning that the role of the English language teacher is that of providing direct instruction for ELs and serving students indirectly as a site-based expert in second language acquisition.
Please go to the IMESD PD Page for upcoming PD!
RESOURCES and Important links:
English Learner/Title III Program Requirements Guiding Document
ODE English Learner Program Guide
ODE webpage: Title III English Learners and Immigrant Youth
ELP Standards:
-ELP Standards with Correspondence to K-12 CCSS
-Prep for ELPA21:
-ELPA21 Website, ELPAC, Lumos Learning
-ELPA: Domain and grade-based Enrichment Activities
-Intervention Guide for English Learners
-ELL Program and Student Information Sheet
-Discussion Cards for Lower Grades
-Go-To Strategies for teachers of ELs
-SIOP Resources
-GLAD Resources
*GLAD Units, The user name is teacher and the password is page.
*Education Northwest Project GLAD Study