February is National Career Technical Education (CTE) Month. IMESD is spotlighting several educators in our region who are making a difference for students in CTE classes and pathways.
Meet Lenn Greer, former Agriculture Teacher at Irrigon Jr/Sr High School.
Greer recently passed away and we want to honor him by highlighting his work in our region.
What did Lenn teach?
Lenn's program of study was agriculture. Within the program he taught multiple levels of welding, plant and animal science, greenhouse and floral design.
What is Irrigon Jr/Sr High’s CTE focus for the 24-25 school year?
Lenn was working with his students to expand the greenhouse program and include introduction to welding options that utilized virtual welding machines.
As a CTE teacher, how did Lenn make a difference for students?
Lenn was very committed to the community of Irrigon and the students. He maintained high expectations for them in the classroom and advocated for them throughout the community and county.
What is something people may not know about CTE at IJSHS?
Lenn had a passion for food production and was working on incorporating food science classes into his program. Multiple times over his career Lenn also opened his program doors to students at Riverside when they had an interest in agriculture but no program available.