(Pendleton) -- Multiple departments and programs of IMESD participated in an In-Service Day on Friday, March 7th. The intention of this day was to provide time for employees to gain professional development/training in the specific area of work they do. Here is a brief summary of some activities different departments did.
Business Office/Human Resources
These two departments participated in a joint in-service on March 13th.
Employees enjoyed team-building exercises as well as professional development around technology, employee benefits and wellness resources.
“We had a great time connecting away from our desks!” said Beth O’Hanlon, Chief Financial Officer.
Early Learning Services – EAST ZONE
Speakers: Debra Fitzgibbons from Oregon Technology Access Program (OTAP) and Stephanie Crawford from Go Baby Go.
Theme/content: The training was titled “EI/ECSE Inclusion Workshop: Meaningful Inclusion Begins with Access.” Discussion revolved around ensuring that all children have access to learning opportunities as well as health and safety considerations. Activities included defining and discussing accessibility in all aspects, including learning materials, safety and use of technology to support access.
Participants also engaged in an activity to make children’s books more accessible for preschool-aged children. They learned about the many facets of inclusionary practices and explored new ways of implementing inclusionary practices.
According to Cade Burnette, East Zone Director for Early Learning Services, “approximately 35 participants consisting of classroom staff, home visitors and specialists engaged in an interactive and enjoyable day with two great trainers.”
Early Learning Services – WEST ZONE
Speakers: Angela Binning and Tiffany Copeland
Theme/Content: Building Relationships Among Children
This group’s training focused on different strategies teachers can use in the classroom to foster meaningful connection and positive relationships among children. The session was collaborative in nature, allowing participants to work together to find different ways of nurturing connection in their classrooms.
Some of the concepts introduced included thoughtful arrangement of the classroom, planning for collaborative buddy-centered activities, ways to promote peer-to-peer interactions and more.
Migrant Education Program
This team’s day started with an inspirational video: 2022 UCLA Latinx Graduation Student Commencement Speech by Yuliana Barrón Perez. Employees shared what resonated most about the video. Then Eric Volger, MEP Director, shared some words of appreciation in Spanish to the team.
Department employees then reviewed summer school, contracts, future structure of the program, calendars and created “Family Preparedness” binders. In the afternoon, employees divided into work-alike groups for discussion.
Here are some comments from MEP staff about their day:
“Sharing our story is a plus because it helps us get to know each other better as a team.”
“I liked sharing our ideals for a perfect school. We all have great ideas, and it would be wonderful if we could make changes with our migrant children.”
“I really liked the interest in learning about our roots, our culture and the place where each of us was born, as well as hearing about our experiences and customs as children."
“I can't change everything in an education system, but I can take advantage of the small part I have and I'm doing the best I can.”
This department includes the Warehouse and the Print Shop. Their in-service centered on safety and included these activities:
Conducted a review of IMESD’s Warehouse Evacuation Plan and updated our evacuation map
Reviewed fire extinguisher locations and signage and added a fire extinguisher to IMESD’s courier van
Reviewed First Aid and AED locations and replaced depleted battery in our AED
Addressed the need to create more awareness of safety for visitors and staff. The department will place safety signage throughout the warehouse, including Watch for Forklift Traffic, Caution-Drive Slowly, Shipping and Receiving, Restricted Area-Authorized Personnel Only signs.
Oregon Trail Regional Educator Network (OTREN)
Speaker: Robbie Rowan, M.ED.
Theme/Content: IMESD’s REN provided a training for teachers from the region called Safe and Civil Schools: CHAMPS & DSC Training, which is a proactive and positive approach to classroom management. About 140 attendees were from the following districts: Athena-Weston, Baker, Echo, Helix, Hermiston, La Grande, Milton-Freewater, North Powder, Pendleton, Pilot Rock, Pine Eagle, Stanfield, Ukiah, Union, Umatilla and IMESD.
McKennon McDonald, REN Coordinator, said it was fortunate that OTREN was able to partner with Robbie Rowan from Safe and Civil Schools to bring his expertise to the region thanks to the SB 283 Mentorship Grant. “It is so rewarding when you hear from teachers that they want more deep dive trainings like these and that they were genuinely thankful for the opportunity. OTREN will continue to seek out further professional learning opportunities to support behavior and classroom management strategies for all teachers,” McDonald said.
Special Education Department
This included employees from School Psychology, Speech-Language Pathology, Nursing, Occupational Therapy/Physical Therapy, Transition Network Facilitator and Regional Programs (Autism, Deaf & Hard of Hearing, Vision, Traumatic Brain Injury)
Speakers: Dr. Michael Schwartz (Licensed Psychologist) and Allison Whisenhunt (Licensed Clinical Social Worker)
Theme/content: The speakers provided information on depression & anxiety:
How to spot it and what to do (tips)
How trauma impacts learning