IMESD's Summer Series 2021 offers many professional development classes for educators, from reading, writing & music to mindfulness & culturally relevant instruction. Get the full schedule and more information:
over 3 years ago, IMESD
teacher in classroom
The Pendleton UAS (Unmanned Aerial Systems) Range & Volatus Group are offering two fully paid scholarships worth $5,000 each for the upcoming, four-week Summer Camp session. Deadline is June 11, 2021. For details and flyer:
over 3 years ago, IMESD
over 3 years ago, IMESD
over 3 years ago, IMESD
IMESD congratulates all Class of 2021 Graduates in eastern Oregon school districts! We wish you the best in your future plans.
over 3 years ago, IMESD
class of 2021 gold words on blue background
IMESD has received a grant of $25,000 from Gray Family Foundation for improvements at the Outdoor School site. This will address maintenance needs including heat sources, trails, electrical and more. Read the article:
over 3 years ago, IMESD
outdoor school cabin
IMESD congratulates Ione School District on the passage of their General Obligation bond on May ​18th! We look forward to seeing the improvements for students in your school.
over 3 years ago, IMESD
ione cardinal bond vote
All IMESD Offices will be CLOSED on Monday, May 31 in observance of Memorial Day, remembering and honoring persons who have died while serving in the United States Military. Offices will re-open on Tuesday, June 1 at 7:30 AM.
over 3 years ago, IMESD
memorial day with flag
Looking for virtual learning options for 2021-22? The IMESD Virtual Learning Program is a FREE, K-12 online program that offers learning from home and Sports & Extracurricular activities through your Resident District. Learn more:
over 3 years ago, IMESD
female student at computer
Congratulations to our 2021 IMESD Crystal Apple Winners! Tamara Bow, Registered Nurse Deb Jones, Speech-Language Pathologist Marla Royal, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent Shane Weston, Technology Specialist Read more:
over 3 years ago, IMESD
Students in IMESD's Migrant Education Program celebrated graduation on May 15 at the Eastern Oregon Trade and Event Center in Hermiston. Read the East Oregonian article here:
over 3 years ago, IMESD
graduation 2021
IMESD Nurse Tamara Bow was recently featured on Wake Up Northwest about being a nurse in local school districts:
over 3 years ago, IMESD
nurse with child