Eastern Oregon school districts are developing plans to return to school this fall. Here is an article about the Pendleton School District: https://www.eastoregonian.com/coronavirus/pendleton-school-day-will-look-different-in-2020-21/article_b28f5cfc-c184-11ea-8b05-efee395a6bd1.html
over 4 years ago, IMESD
Eastern Oregon school districts are developing plans to return to school this fall. Here is an article about the Athena-Weston School District: https://www.union-bulletin.com/news/health_fitness/coronavirus/athena-weston-schools-to-use-cohorts-and-staggered-start-times-to-safely-return-to-classrooms/article_020044ab-ae3e-54c5-9bfe-0e00b5852671.html
over 4 years ago, IMESD
Children need good nutrition all year long. When school is out during the summer months, many children no longer have access to even one nutritious meal each day. The Summer Food Service Program helps to fill the gap. To find a site, call 2-1-1, text “Food” or “Comida” to 877-877, or visit Summer Food Oregon: https://www.summerfoodoregon.org/map/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery If you have questions, please contact Oregon Department of Education (ODE) Child Nutrition Programs - Community Nutrition, at (503) 947-5894 or ode.communitynutrition@ode.state.or.us.
over 4 years ago, IMESD
kids lunch
IMESD is running a series about how our Departments have adapted their work during the COVID-19 emergency. Our next article highlights the Special Education Department: https://imesd.k12.or.us/article/working-during-covid-19-special-education-department
over 4 years ago, IMESD
young woman recording self on phone
IMESD is running a series about how our Departments have adapted their work during the COVID-19 emergency. Our next article highlights the Speech-Language Pathology Department: https://imesd.k12.or.us/article/working-during-covid-19-speech-lanugage-pathology-department
over 4 years ago, IMESD
father and son working on notebook
Congratulations to several eastern Oregon seniors who earned their Oregon Seal of Biliteracy in Native American languages: https://www.eastoregonian.com/community/your_eo_news/psd-students-earn-prestigious-award-for-native-language-literacy/article_22db83da-954a-11ea-88bc-1f7a9e512ec4.html
over 4 years ago, IMESD
Susie Patrick
IMESD has started a new series about how our Departments have adapted their work during the COVID-19 emergency. Our next article highlights the Information Technology (IT) Department: https://imesd.k12.or.us/article/working-during-covid-19-it-department
over 4 years ago, IMESD
info technology graphic
over 4 years ago, IMESD
motorcycle driving in parade
InterMountain ESD is proud to announce that our Oregon 2021 Regional Teacher of the Year is JD Cant, Agriculture Education Teacher at Imbler High School! Congratulations, Mr. Cant! #ORTOY21 To read the entire article, please visit: https://www.imesd.k12.or.us/article/256832
over 4 years ago, IMESD
teacher of the year banner