June 15, 2020
This article is part of a series about how IMESD Departments have adapted their work during the COVID-19 emergency .
Worldwide, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed many things a...
June 15, 2020
This article is part of a series about how IMESD Departments have adapted their work during the COVID-19 emergency .
Worldwide, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed many things a...
June 4, 2020
This article is part of a new series about how IMESD Departments have adapted their work during the COVID-19 emergency . Worldwide, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed many thing...
June 4, 2020
The IMESD is proud to announce the 2021 winner is JD Cant, Agriculture Teacher at Imbler High School!
Imbler School District held a virtual assembly early this morning to an...
June 4, 2020
This article is part of a new series about how IMESD Departments have
adapted their work during the COVID-19 emergency .
Before COVID-19 changed so many things around the wo...
January 26, 2020
There is ONE WEEK LEFT to nominate a teacher for Oregon Regional Teacher of the Year! If you know a great Eastern Oregon teacher, nominate them now at: https://oregonteacherofthey...